Monday, 13 March 2017

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


To aid my planning/ research i created a blog upon which i could upload posts outlining my ideas and observations. The blog at first seemed somewhat daunting but within a few sessions i had easily picked up on how to edit and use my blog. The blogs also allow for embedding of powerpoints, videos, and other styles of presentation, all of which Helped me to complete my research and planning. The blog also allows the usage of images to help highlight your points. Another feature is labeling which helped me to keep all of my posts tidy and organised.
during research i viewed youtube videos to help me grasp a concept of how to make a good thriller, this included sound and lighting techniques. I used dropbox to obtain stills from films we ave studied in class to put onto my blog. Group work was achieved by using microsoft one drive, and adding my group members to a group powerpoint. when making my thriller i had to make sure not to infringe on copyright with sound music and font, using sites such as freesound and dafont allowed me to obtain royalty free content for use with my thriller.0-


To capture my production, i used a HD 1080p camera which allowed me to film at a high quality. The camera was easy to set up and use. For storage it uses a standard SD card, the one I used was 32GB which was more than enough storage for my film. The zoom function on the camera works effectively and allowed me to film some interesting shots. The move-able screen on the camera allowed playback of the shots and let us see the shot before we filmed it, this allowed for precision and helped to get clear concise filming
The editing software i used was Premier Pro, it is non linear meaning you can edit your film along a timeline and make changes at any point. Premier is very easy to use and has taught me a lot about editing that i didn't know already, for exaple, using in and out points instead of using a split or razor tool. The program also allows for easy editing of the audio, i was able to dim the audio in sections where it jumped or sounded rough. The program and project overall made me think about using fast cuts to minimise the amount of time shots are on screen for a tense atmosphere, I discovered that a fast sequence builds tension extremely well. 

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